YouthReach supports programs that provide youth participants a sustained experience offered by recognized leaders and instructors. Children must be 3.5 years to 18 years of age and able to participate in the program independently. Our grants support the registration fees for programs, such as:
You can apply at any time – YouthReach provides up to $300.00 in a 12-month period.
Check to see if you a YouthReach grant will work for you. Complete and submit the online application form OR download and complete our application form and email to or text to 705-718-7731. If you are working with a social service agency you can ask them to apply for you.
All information, either online or both pages of the application, must be completed in full, this includes:
If you are having difficulty completing the application, please contact your support worker, friend or a family resource person. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or processed.
YouthReach can approve a grant of up to $300.00 per 12-month period for a child to participate in extracurricular activities.